under review
Have a way to separate work and home completely into different workspaces with separate searches, filters, folders (a la Slack's different workspaces which can easily be toggled)
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Multiple Personas
François Trahan
For the moment, I buy two subscriptions. One for my main job and one for my personal business and life.
Two problems: First, I would rather not pay twice. Second, I need different emails/passwords to maintain the accounts.
I use to separate with tags, but it's too tedious and does not allow for a focussed folder/context/tag set.
If I could have multiple separate accounts/personas/areas/workspaces under the same login, that would be fantastic.
Yes, this is an essential thing if you need to use it for real business!
Yes, Please. I love Toodledo but it's getting very complicated without workspaces.
ZIGGY-76: Can we keep a folder for personal, work and business related tasks?
Toodledo is so much flexible that it can replicate which task management app available in the market. Only thing is that it won't be a straightforward one. Like Inbox to collect all the thoughts that randomly somes in our mind which is there on TickTick and Taskade. I have created a context aa Inbox wherein I flow all my random thoughts.
Yes, please! I end up having to use a custom combination of Folders, Contexts and Tags to create the sorting and filtering capabilities i need. Feels like too many workarounds. See also the Feature Request on Subfolders, essentially a different way to "manually" create workspaces out of a folder hierarchy. At least one of these 2 things (or Both :) is really needed.
Mark Ruzicka
Nirvana HQ does this very well. Think of it more like a global filter/Area that filters all the metadata according to whats tagged, so folders, goals, etc, could all be filtered by an area.
This would be a really useful change for people like me who do best when things are VERY clearly divided and displayed in a way that hides anything not relevant. Having this be really easy to access would be very beneficial.
If hierarchical goals were properly implemented, they could be one method of delimiting workspaces, by defining each workspace as a lifelong goal.
Before I realized that toodledo did nothing with the connections defined between goals and subgoals, I specified LifeLong goals of things like Work, Family, Self …. with Long-Term goals connected to LifeLong goals. Unfortunately, that accomplished nothing. See:
It would be really nice if LifeLong Goals actually accomplished something organizationally. As is, right now I repurposed Tags to mark my various Workspaces.
I really don't see the point in workspaces. First, all contexts are to be considered work e.g. home/hobby/work/entereprenuerial endavours etc. In the end it is all work. Second, Toodledo already has multiple ways to filter like contexts, tags, folders, goals or even the saved searches. You can hide or show data however you like. If users are unable to use these in a way that works for them then workspaces won't help them either and will only add up to the complexity. There is no lack of features there is only a lack for a system for most. Seems a waste of development hours to me IMHO.
Yes please! Independent tags for each workspace too please.
Workspaces would be awesome. I use one "private" folder for this purpose right now and many different folders for work projects. With contexts I categorize tasks (eg. do - 15 min, create - 1 day, Review - 1.5 hrs, etc). These are useful only for work related tasks.
It would be very helpful if the different workspaces would allow a completly seperate set of contexts and folders. Also I don't want my private tasks appear in my work environment.
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