I've received several emails in recent months about moving from the free tier to a paid tier. I've been using Toodledo for 11 years and while the service has been quite reliable, it has stagnated and I've been looking for alternatives. The problem is there aren't any other platforms that work in the ways that I like about Toodledo. There are, however, several platforms and self hosted solutions that have leaped Toodledo in terms of UX, app support, ecosystem and developer story. I think Toodledo is a functional platform but isnt competitive in its experience. I'm a long time user and a career developer. Is there a way to help Toodledo move forward and create value worth paying for again? I'd like to do so in some way be it discussions with existing product teams, direct feedback from both a technical perspective and a user perspective and even possibly doing design/dev work to help move things like the next gen app forward. I like the platform and I think it has potential. I'd like to help realize that potential. Please let me know if there are avenues to do this.