I'd like to be able to add tasks to a calendar, so that I can throw away my to-do list!
I hate to-do lists, they just stress me out with all the stuff I have to do.
The best I've read about productivity is to throw away the to-do list, and use a calendar instead.
The problem I have is in sorting out what are my priorities and how to fit them in.
I'd like a visual method of sorting my tasks for the week, where I can fit them into a calendar of the week.
Anything that doesn't fit isn't going to happen this week, and I can put them into a date in the future. So I know everything has a time it will get done and I am not trying to fit too much in. Sort of like fitting pieces into a jigsaw.
Recurring tasks could be plotted into the calendar, and times blocked out for meetings, unavailability etc.
Can you do this for me, please, toodledo?