The menu for selecting context and status in the OLD toodledoo app was a "Tap and slide" type. It was very convenient for a mobile phone used with one hand and uses only one tap. It's just tap to bring up the menu and slide to make the selection. The menu in the NEW toodledooo app is of a "Tap to open" and then "tap to select" which is difficult to use because tapping to open and then releasing the finger (potentially wobbling the phone) and then again tapping to select is a more involving process. I hope I am able to convey my point across.
I believe that entering a task should take as minimum taps as possible so that Toodledo becomes a "no thought" tool to keep things in your list. So making a task and selecting the context and status (date is not so important - but that's just me) should be a thumb squigle away. If toodledo could do that in the new app. I feel more and more people would move to it as their primary Inbox for tasks.
BTW I believe toodledo is a wonderful app for any GTD practitioner. Keep up the good work.